Friday, January 20, 2012

FUN at work!

I keep meaning to post lots of photos from my new design studio... I moved in during mid August! I promise to showcase it fully on the blog soon.

For now here are a few fun photos of me & friends having FUN at work, I love having visitors & other designers working with me in my design den!

Every studio needs a pair of giant scissors!

The super talented Louise Tiler

The master at work!

Cool & fun talented illustrator Amy Wilde

Last but nor least Alfie the husky dog! I like to think of him as a silent
partner in the Rachael Taylor Designs brand :)


  1. It really does look like a fun place to work... all that talent in one studio!!
    I'm looking forward to the big tour,
    love to Alfie!
    Have a lovely weekend,

  2. Looks like a real fun place, I shall have to visit!!! Like the doggy bear, good guard dog to have :)

  3. The studio is really lovely Rach, it looks like an amazing place to go and work everyday! Alfie is SO cute, he goes perfect with it!

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